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Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection by multicapillary column coupled ion mobility spectrometry (MCC-IMS) of breath.

A proof of concept study  July 2020
Claus SteppertClaus Steppert; Isabel Steppert; Gunther Becher; Thomas Bollinger
preprint verfügbar

R. Purkhart , A. Hillmann, R. Graupner, G. Becher: Detection of characteristic clusters in IMS-Spectrograms  of exhaled air polluted with environmental contaminants. IJIMS, Feb. 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s12127-012-0090-4)
R. Purkhart, G. Becher, Petra Reinhold, Heike Köhler: Detection of mycobacteria by VOC analysis of in vitro cultures using differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) Journal of Medical Microbiology JMM;  first publ. 19, Dec, 2016: doi  10.1099/jmm.0.000410

An alternative method to the infection detection for differentiation of 3 and 4 MRGN by use of GC IMS-Spectral analysis. Gunther Becher, Roman Purkhart, Tobias Raessler, Claus Steppert, Werner Schüler. ERS London, 2016.

 Differenzierung von unterschiedlich resistenten Problemkeimen in Flüssigkultur mittels GC-IMS.
G. Becher , T. Räßler, , R. Purkhart, C. Steppert, S. Schimanski, W. Schüler DGP 2016, 2.-5. März 2016, P 158.

Die Zukunft der Infektionsdiagnostik -
Kontrolle von Bakterienkulturen durch Messung volatiler Marker aus dem Headspace
wiss. Kurzmitteilung:
 Archiv EuroMedica,  Vol 5; num. 1;  2015:  3-5

J.O. Steiß G. Becher: Optimization of Omalizumab Dosage in Patients with Severe Persisient Allergic Asthma Using recoveryELISA.  BioDrugs : June 2014;  DOI  10.1007/s40259-014-0101-6

Current Medical Research & Opinion  (
Letter to the Editor:  Comment on Dana L. Baker et al. Evaluation of two commercial omalizumab/free IgE immunoassays: implications of use during therapy G. Becher et P. Strohner. doi: 10.1185/03007995.2014.933099 (

Becher, Gunther: Atemkondensat-Diagnostik (Exhalat-Diagnostik)
In:  Spezielle Lungenfunktionsprüfung.
Hrsg.: Prof. K.-H. Rühle, München: Dustri Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle, 2013, S. 105-124
ISBN 978-3-87185-415-6

Detection of characteristic clusters in IMS-Spectrograms of exhaled air polluted with environmental contaminants.
Roman Purkhart & Anne Hillmann & Rolf Graupner &  Gunther Becher
Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spec. (2012) 15:63–68

Chronic intestinal Mycobacteria infection: discrimination via VOC analysis in exhaled breath and headspace of feces using differential ion mobility spectrometry.
Roman Purkhart, HeikeKohler, Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio, Michaela Meyer, Gunther Becher, Angela Kikowatz and Petra Reinhold.  J. Breath Res. 5 (2011) 027103 (10pp

Ionenbeweglichkeitsspektrometrie, künstliche Nase oder Proteomics – Vom Fingerprint zum Krankheitsmarker. Was können wir von den neuen Methoden wirklich erwarten?  Thieme 2011.

Therapiemonitoring von Omalizumab im Kindes- und Jugendalter
J.O. Steiß, A. Schmidt, H. Lindemann, S. Rudloff, A. Staatz, P. Strohner, G. Becher, L. Nährlich und K.P. Zimmer:  Allergologie, Jahrgang 33, Nr. 10/2010, S. 421–428

The recovery ELISA – a newly developed immunoassay for measurement of therapeutic antibodies and the target antigen during antibody therapy.
  Strohner, A Staatz, D Sarrach, J-O Steiss, G Becher.
Clin Chem Lab Med 2012, 50 (7): 1263-1269.

Monitoring free serum IgE in severe asthma patients treated with omalizumab.
Stephanie Korn, Ina Haasler, Gunther Becher,  Pavel Strohner, Antonia Staatz,  Christian Taube, Roland Buhl: Respir Medicine 106,  Issue 11, 2012, 1494-1500.

The Recovery-ELISA - A Novel Assay Technique to Monitor Therapy  with Humanized Antibodies: The Example of Omalizumab. 
Pavel Strohner, Stephanie Korn, Roland Buhl, and Gunther Becher.
Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 34:83–93, 2013.

Kikowatz, A., Becher, G., Dietze, S., Steinhaeusser, W., Beck, E.:
Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Non-Invasive Real-Time Diagnostics and Therapy Control in Metabolic Diseases. Eur J Med Res 2009, 14 Suppl IV, 121-125.

Reinhold, Petra, Knobloch, Henri: Exhaled breath condensate: lessons learned from veterinary medicine. J. Breath Res. 4(2010) 017001.

Marek, E., Volke, J., Hawener, J.,Platen, P., Mueckenhoff, K., Marek, W.: Measurements of lactate in exhaled breath condensate at rest and maximal exercise in young and healthy subjects. J. Breath Res. 4 (2010) 017105.

Gessner, C, Rechner,B., Hammerschmidt, S., Kuhn, H., Hoheisel, G., Sack, U., Ruschpler, P., Wirtz, H.: Angiogenic markers in breath condensate identify non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2009, Jul. 30.

ATS/ERS TASK FORCE: Exhaled breath condensate: methodological recommendations and unresolved questions. I. Horvath, J. Hunt and P.J. Barnes on behalf of the ATS/ERS Task Force on Exhaled Breath Condensate: Co-authors to the Task Force report: K. Alving, A. Antczak, E. Baraldi, G. Becher, W.J.C. van Beurden, M. Corradi, R. Dekhuijzen, R.A. Dweik, T. Dwyer, R. Effros, S. Erzurum, B Gaston, C. Gessner, A. Greening, L.P. Ho, J. Hohlfeld, Q. Joebsis, D. Laskowski, S. Loukides, D. Marlin, P. Montuschi, A-C. Olin, A.E. Redington, P. Reinhold, E.L.J. van Rensen, I. Rubinstein, P. Silkoff, K. Toren, G. Vass, C. Vogelberg, H. Wirtz, Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 523-548.

ATS/ERS Recommendations for Standardized Procedures for the Online and Offline Measurement of Exhaled Lower Respiratory Nitric Oxide and Nasal Nitric Oxide, 2005. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 171. pp 912-930, 2005.

ATS Workshop Proceedings: Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide. Oxidative Metabolism in Exhaled Breath Condensate. Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 3. pp 131-145, 2006.

Steiss, J O, Geidel, C., Strohner, P., Becher, G., Lindemann, H., Zimmer, K P: Therapieoptimierung von Omalizumab im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Auswirkungen auf die Gesamt-IgE-Konzentration.

(edited by Anton Amann (Innsbruck Medical University, Austria & ETH-Zürich, Switzerland) & David Smith (Keele University, UK) , World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., .May 2005, ISBN: 978-981-256-284-5
G.Becher et al.: Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC: An alternative or additional Diagnostic. pp. 422-427)

Expert-Meeting:  The breath analysis ABC(DE)of Propofol”; Juni 2008, Luebeck

G. Becher: Entzündungsmarker im Exhalat. in: Aerosole in der Inhalationstherapie. Hrsg.: Thomas Voshaar & Gerhard Scheuch, Dustri Verl. Dr. Karl Feistle, 2005, S. 122-130, ISBN 3-87185-361-5

E. Marek, K. Mückenhoff, H. J. Streckert, G. Becher, W. Marek: L-Lactate and H202 in Exhaled Breath Condensate at Rest and slight and middle severe Exercise. Pneumologie 2008; 62: 541-547

E. Marek, K. Mückenhoff, H.J. Streckert, G. Becher und W. Marek: Bestimmungen von L-Laktat im Atemkondensat in Ruhe so wie bei fahrradergometrischen Belastungsuntersuchungen.
Atemw.-Lungenkrkh., Jahrgang 34, Nr. 7/2008, S. 252ヨ260.

H Knobloch; G Becher; M Decker; Petra Reinhold: Evaluation of H2O2 and pH in exhaled breath condensate samples: methodical and physiological aspects. Biomarkers, Volume 13, Issue 3, May 2008: 319 - 341.

Ch Schumann, K Triantafilou, S Krueger, V Hombach, M Triantafilou, G Becher, and P M Lepper: Detection of Erythropoietin in Exhaled Breath Condensate of NonHypoxic Subjects Using a Multiplex Bead Array. Mediators of Inflammation Vol 2006, 1–5.

NM Grob, M Aytekin and R A Dweik: Biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate: a review of collection, processing and analysis. J. Breath Res. 2 (2008) 18pp.

Reinhold P, Langenberg A, Becher G, Rothe M: Breath condensate: a medium obtained by a non-invasive method for the detection of inflammation mediators of the lung. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1999;112:254-259.

G. Becher, K. Winsel, E. Beck, G. Neubauer, E. Stresemann: Breath condensate as a method of noninvasive assessment of inflammation mediators from the lower airways. Pneumologie 51 (1997) Suppl 2 456-9.

Beck, E., Becher, G., Rothe, M., Heinze, R., Bodner, A.:  NO and hydrogen peroxide in exhaled air in patients with COPD and healthy controls. Eur.Resp.J. (1999) 14, Suppl. 30, 462s.

Becher, G., Beck, E., Rothe, M., Neubauer, G., Stresemann, E. : Sammlung von nichtgasfoermigen Bestandteilen der Ausatemluft durch Ausfrieren. mt-Medizintechnik (1997) 117, 89-95.

Becher, G., Rothe, M., Stresemann, E., Beck, E., Falck, K. (1998) Bestimmung von Entzuendungsparametern im Atemkondensat zur Frueherkennung von Inhalationssch¦den Schriftenreihe d. Bundesanst. f. Arbeitsschutz u. Arbeitsmed. (BAuA), Wirtschaftsverl. 1998, ISBN: 3-89701-091-7.

Becher, G., Winsel, K., Beck, E., Stresemann, E. : Leukotriene B4 in breathing condensate of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases and of normal patients Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (1995) 5, 215-219.
Becher, G.; Schlichthaar, R. Experiences in using exhaled breath condensate (EBC) in controlled clinical studies. American Thoracic Society International Conference Seattle, Poster (2003)

C. Lehmann, M. Rothe, G. Becher: Empfindliche Wasserstoffperoxid - Messung.
LABO, Febr. 2004, 31-32.

A.R. Wewel, J.A.M. Crusius, U. Gatzemeier, M. Heckmayr, G. Becher, H. Magnussen, R.A. Jorres," and O. Holz: Time course of exhaled hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide during chemotherapy. Eur Respir J 2006; 27: 1033-1039.

LINUS PAULING*, ARTHUR B. ROBINSON*, ROY TERANISHIt, AND PAUL CARY*: Quantitative Analysis of Urine Vapor and Breath by Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 68, No. 10, pp. 2374-2376, October 1971

Veronika Ruzsanyi: Analyse flüchtiger Metaboliten von der Ausatemluft mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer. Dissertation, Dortmund 2005.

William F.W. Merrick: Characterization of human expired breath by solid phase microextraction and analysis using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry and differential mobility spectrometry. Master Thesis, MIT 2005.

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